This ^ was a text I received from one of my very best friends just yesterday. I had to laugh, but I know she is completely right. So I decided I need to be better...whether people look at this or not, it'll be for my own gain.
To start, I guess I should say...
I am a college graduate!
I feel like it was in an instant and my childhood was gone.
Now on to real world jobs, paying bills, and a whole different type of responsibility
I loved BYU
I loved the zoobiness (as much as we made fun of it...we all secretly loved it)
I loved the games
I loved 5th floor "study" habits
I loved meeting new people
I loved the emotional breakdowns because they made me stronger
I loved the trials because they taught me so much
I loved being spiritually strengthened every day
I loved the people and the lasting relationships I made
I loved being the "punching bag" to absorb everyones problems because it meant they loved me and trusted me
I loved living with amazing girls
I loved funny dating stories
I loved watching my friends fall in love
I loved ALL of my wards
I loved feeling loved all the time
I loved gaining an appreciation for Arizona and my home
and most of all...
I loved finding out who I am and becoming confidant in who I (think) am meant to be
I sat with tears in my eyes as I watched my best friends in my major walk across the stage with a huge smile on their face and realized who knows if and when I will ever see them again.
I thought back to each person I met and the impact they had on me.
It is remarkable...the people I met and the amazing light they showed to me.
I gained relationships I will have forever
I learned lessons I will have forever
I am totally and completely changed because of my time at BYU
And where in the world where I be without these two?? I recently had the opportunity to go to girls camp and help teach a workshop to all the cute campers. As three other girls and I sat in front of these younger girls, we tried our best to tell them everything we wish we would have known in school. One of the things I reiterated over and over was this: YOUR PARENTS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. It took me awhile, but I figured that out. And these two are no different. All they want is the best for me and they believe in me more than anyone. I could not be more thankful for them!
And I cannot wait!