Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So lots has happened in the life of Katelin recently

I got surgery

I got a job

I turned 22

One best friend got engaged

Another best friend is moving to Hawaii

Yet another one (the one im used to waking up to everyday) moved to Mississippi

And this is all in a matter of 1 month...

and the month before that I moved back home

It has been crazy to say the least

but O so fun!

I ironically turned 22 on the day that BYU had their first day of school

It was weird...

the whole being an adult and working on your birthday

and at the same time realizing you arent at BYU in class,

doing school...like I have for the last 21 years

It was definitely bittersweet.

I miss it and the people but I am so grateful for where I'm at right now

I KNOW this is where I am supposed to be

and my life has fallen into place like I never imagined

Another testament to everything being just as it should

So I guess the biggest news is that I am officially a


(speech-language pathologist assistant)

mouth full huh?

To be one of these super cool peeps you have to:

Graduate with a bachelors degree in ComD or Speech


Complete 100 hours of clinical work with speech clients


Apply for a license with the Dept of Health


sooooo the end result being me as the

haha yaaaa right

I honestly have no idea what I got myself into

I am working at a charter school and I am on my own

I see my SLP once a week...maybe

and thats just for housekeeping stuff

I plan therapy

I am in charge of writing goals

I am responsible for these little kiddos in achieving better speech and language

No pressure right???

Im hanging in and trying my best and it is so fun

Just a bit stressful....

but im learning a lot

I feel so thankful that I found a job in my field right out of college

So heres to me trying to become the best speech teacher

haha we shall see!

At least the kids like me because I bring them their favorite candy right? All that matters.