So I have plenty of happenings to update...but I kinda lost my camera cord
soooo all those will have to wait.
BUT thanks to instagram (obsessed with)
I have these v lovelies to document
The trip was perfect and just what I needed.
I needed another chance to say bye to Provo and my life there.
I saw the whole world...literally.
It was the greatest part about it!
Heavenly Father knew I needed that and I am so grateful.
Among the random run-ins and planned get togethers, I...
went to a wedding
ate at all my favorite Provo eateries
had lunch with this beauty
walked my old route to school (haha)
visited with sister gygi...shes amazing
wandered around campus
visited the fifth floor (yes pathetic I know)
ate lunch with all my mesa girls and laughed LOUDLY
watch a football game in the alpine village clubhouse
visited the BYU bookstore candy shop (Suz this was for you)
Went to a wonderful birthday party and saw SO many people I miss
Saw much missed best friends (wish I had pictures of all of them)
went to my old ward...seriously I was so lucky in that department
went to ward prayer
sat in the courtyard and talked with friends...just like I did every sunday
visited one of my favorite families-The Banks (cant wait till they move back in 2 years)
It was amazing to say the least.
I had a blast and THANK YOU to everyone who let me sleep on their couch, and who put the time into entertaining are all the best and I love you!
Then I got to come back to this face thank goodness
Happy Monday!